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Coming from the Middle East, it is a very elementary dance, practically without movements and with mainly pelvic movements. Its origins are based on the ancient traditional dances of North Africa, Greece and the Middle East. In addition to learning his technique and style, different elements are used such as the cane, saber, tambourine, wings of Isis ...... that will make this discipline even more attractive and harmonious.

It is a science, art and philosophy of life that integrates the three planes of existence of the human being: mind, body and spirit. It is a spiritual and corporal discipline that allows the expulsion of the tensions and sorrows of daily life, of illnesses and fluctuations of the mind. It provides serenity and composure and a state of inner unity in the face of the different battles that we have to fight in our day to day.

It is a physical and mental training system based on different specialties such as gymnastics, traumatology and yoga, combining dynamism and muscular strength with mental control, breathing and relaxation.
The balance between body and mind is sought. The method focuses on the development of internal muscles to maintain body balance and give stability and firmness to the spine, which is why it is widely used as therapy in rehabilitation and, for example, to prevent and cure back pain.

It is the most popular and well-known dance of Andalusian folklore. The sevillanas descend from the seguidillas from La Mancha that were converted into the sevillanas that we know today. At the school we have different levels so that you can learn them depending on what you need: initiation, recollection or improvement. We have classes to learn to dance them throughout the course, or more intensive courses if you prefer to learn them in less time. In addition to learning the steps, you will learn to move your hands and arms coordinating them with your feet and to dance as a couple.

Tap or tap is a style of American theater dance that is characterized by the percussion made by the feet marking different rhythmic patterns. The name comes from the onomatopoeia “claq”, due to the noise produced by the metal plates of the soles of the shoes with which one dances. The origin of tap dance is a mixture of syncopations of African music and dance with European folk dances, especially Irish.
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